Healing House

Healing House is an art and wellness event where Britt Michaelian leads guests as they experience the sensations of innovative art, receive healing, and celebrate gratitude with a sacred tea ceremony. If you want to feel nourished into a higher frequency, this is the place to be.

At Healing House: EXPANSION, the frequency of love permeated the room and our goal of lifting the frequency of everyone in attendance was reached. It all began in the Garden Terrace room of the beautiful SLS Hotel in Beverly Hills, California on May 19, 2024 at 3pm…

Guests checked in at the welcome table and received a gift bag filled with a daily healing practice card, a coupon code for a month of WellSet app, and healing stones that were both smooth and rough to represent that no matter what we may look like on the exterior, we all possess healing properties within.

Heal yourself. Heal the world.

The artwork was suspended from the ceiling and reflected in mirrors in a breathtaking exhibition curated by Aubrie Wienholt of Wienholt Projects and Frederick Janka, president of the board of the Museum of Contemporary Art Santa Barbara. 

Yogic lifestyle guide, Marcelo Shriman of the Akhanda Institute of Yoga in Rishikesh, India greeted guests as they arrived to the Garden Terrace with a high vibration sound bath, including a variety of instruments such as the hand pan, crystal sound bowls, a native flute, a kalimba, and wind chimes. 

Once most of the guests were comfortably seated, Britt Michaelian welcomed everyone and gave three examples of energy healing that guests could take with them into their daily lives. One way to clear their energy. One way to instantly raise their frequency. And one way to clear the energy in the room.

Writer, producer, and director of the HEAL documentary, author of the HEAL book, and host of the HEAL with Kelly podcast, Kelly Noonan Gores gave a talk about her explorations in healing and how energy, including the reiki in the artwork displayed around the room, has a positive impact on our biofield and the space between us. Kelly then graciously answered questions from the audience to discuss simple techniques people and use to heal every day.

Healing House came to a close with an on stage interview of Britt and Shriman conducted by Jesse Stirling, host of NTV’s Meetings with Remarkable People. Jesse has interviewed Eckhart Tolle, Deepak Chopra, Wayne Dyer, and other leaders in the world of spirituality and consciousness and it was an honor for Britt and Shriman to discuss energy, meditation, art, and more with Jesse for his show. Before guests arrived to Healing House, Jesse asked Britt what was one thing she had hoped to achieve with the event. Her answer was, “that every guest feels loved, lifted in their frequency, and that they can take that energy out into the world and make the world a better place by simply being.” When the event was over, Jesse asked Britt if she felt that she had accomplished her goal and her response was “one hundred percent!”


Marcelo Shriman lead the “heal yourself, heal the world” guided meditation centered around the heart. Every guest participated with their hands on their hearts and smiles on their faces. 


Art curators Aubrie Wienholt and Frederick Janka arrived on stage to talk about the collection of art suspended from the ceiling around the Garden Terrace room. Freddy spoke about Britt’s art in relation to art history, specifically mentioning Annie Besant’s book Thought Forms and how spirituality and art has been approached by many well known artists including Kandinsky and Hilma af Klint.


As the art curation panel came to a close, Freddy asked Britt about movement in her art, to which she guided guests to notice a few art pieces that explore movement in their mark making and energy. Britt explained that when energy is stagnant, that is when dis-ease can take hold, so movement through breath or physical action can help energy flow. Her art serves as a reminder to be in flow. This was the perfect segue for guests to join in a disco dance party to move their bodies, elevate their own energy, and raise the vibration in the room.  


Britt believes a daily practice that involves nourishing thoughts, foods, and choices is essential to healing, so each painting Britt makes is titled with a healing mantra designed to inspire nourishment. As a symbol of this practice, the SLS Hotel provided a lovely spread of high vibration fruits, vegetables, hummus, dolma, and more. 


To kick off the gratitude tea ceremony, poet Tara Guedes recited a heartfelt homage to gratitude that she penned for the Healing House event. When Tara finished her poem, Britt invited guests to participate in a gratitude tea ceremony thinking of one thing they are grateful for with each sip of tea. Gratitude is essential to healing, as we must appreciate each lesson and blessing our life delivers as part of the divine gift of life. All in attendance were grateful for the experience of Healing House and the space they were granted to dive into wellness for a few hours. And Britt and all of the speakers were grateful to be able to provide love, support, and inspiration to everyone there.

Wellness + Art = Healing House

Healing is a practice

Healing is something we must practice daily in order to live with awareness and love. And when we do this, that beautiful energy spreads out into the world simply by existing. It is the same with meditation or prayer, inspiration or creativity, body movement, nourishment, and gratitude, these are tools for healing we will explore at Healing House.

Art is a practice

For Britt, art starts with a prayer for God to send healing through her into each piece, to create work that will help heal the people, pets, plants, and places where each piece exists, for as long as it exists. At Healing House, guests are introduced to Britt’s art infused with energy healing, something they may never have experienced before, but will never forget.

Gratitude is a practice

Gratitude is love. Love is healing. Another practice that is essential to our sense of inner peace is the practice of gratitude. At Healing House, we shine a light on gratitude so that we may feel the fullness of love and healing.

Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.