What It Means to Ground and a Grounding Meditation
Take a walk on the grass with your bare feet touching the earth. Sit for a moment on the shore, feeling the energy of Mother Earth below you, supporting you. When we take time to regularly connect with the earth, we feel loved and nurtured and the physical processes in our bodies respond in beneficial ways. Today we will be exploring grounding and feeling grounded. When we feel grounded, we are more present in each moment. We feel centered and connected to our core. As quantum physics has shown, we are energy. Our systems within our body, our heart, are electrical in nature.
The definition of electrical grounding is a backup pathway that provides an alternating route for excess electricity to flow back to the ground if there is a fault in the wiring system. Without grounding, electricity may build up inside wires or connected devices to dangerously high levels. So, its safe to say, grounding is important for us as energetic beings.
Think of a moment in your life now where the idea of feeling grounded has presented itself to you. Even if when you were a child and maybe your parents grounded you for misbehaving, that redirection was an attempt to refocus excess energy that wasn’t serving your highest good. But when have you felt truly connected to your core. Maybe you felt right in the zone and fully embodied it. Maybe you haven’t been able to feel grounded lately. You’ve felt as if you’re drifting afloat and unable to tap into your true essence in this physical lifetime. Or maybe you can’t quite think of a moment where you experienced a feeling of grounding. If that’s so, please imagine feeling grounded and connected to your center right now. Breathe it in.
The definition of ground, grounded, grounding:
the surface of a planet
an area of knowledge or special interest
an area to be won or defended in or as if in battle
an object (such as one made of a wire or metal) that makes an electrical connection with the earth
to provide a reason or justification for
to furnish with a foundation of knowledge
to bring to or place on the ground
to prohibit from taking part in some usual activities
to connect electrically with a ground
And even though all of these definitions touch somewhat upon the idea of grounding that we will explore today, the essence of grounding means that your physical body is rooted here on earth. We all have energetic roots that connect us to this planet. When you feel ungrounded, disconnected from your physical body, take a moment to visualize these energetic roots just like a tree, growing deep into the core of the earth, connecting your energy to the earth. Breathe here for a few moments. And always drink plenty of pure, fresh water, which is another tool for healing and grounding your energy. When we feel grounded, we feel stable. Like a tree. Rooted in the purpose of simply existing. Not trying to be anything other than who we are.
Grounding Mantra: I am rooted in my body. I am grounded to the core.
Repeat this mantra throughout the day to feel grounded. May you feel loved and supported today and every day.