Day Six: How to Awaken Your Mind to Truth

In a world full of distraction, it can be hard to know what is real and true. When it comes to health, food, pop culture, you name it… everyone has an opinion on what is true and who to trust. The nature of duality is to divide things into opposites which automatically means one side is true and one side is false. However, there are some who believe both sides can be right, all things can be true because what is true for you is true for you and what is true for me is true for me. Personally, I believe the only truth is love. And that’s my truth. Truth is about tapping into what resonates on a soul level. And with all of the distractions in the world, it can be difficult if not impossible to discern what is true for you at the depths of your soul.

This quick meditation will help you awaken your mind to truth by tapping into your heart. And if you are craving more, I invite you to follow along with the Daily Healing meditations every day as part of your healing practice. Welcome to the family! We are all here to heal.


Day Seven: How to Resonate with Your True Nature


Day Five: How to Connect with the Infinite Love of Source Energy