108 Actions To Inspire Healing
Go for a walk in nature
Smile at a stranger
Listen to birds sing for longer than you ever have before
Put your bare feet in sand, feeling the physical and energetic sensations
Pet an animal for a while
Lay on the earth and look up at the sky until your vision shifts to a higher frequency
Sun-gaze at sunset
Listen to healing frequency music while you relax
Skip through a meadow
Watch the waves
Play crystal sound bowls
Paint with your fingers
Build a sand castle
Stare through the galaxies in the night sky
Play board games with friends or strangers
Have a solo dance party
Eat fresh fruit you picked from a tree
Plant an herb garden using your hands in the soil
Write a letter of gratitude to your soul for the most painful lesson you ever learned
Make a love letter to yourself into a paper airplane and fly it in the breeze
Let your feet rest in a flowing river
Light a candle and watch the flame burn for an hour in silence
Lay flat on the earth under the shade of a tree for an hour
Watch a funny movie and smile from the beginning, as you find laughter with ease
Hang out with five year olds and learn what life is really about
Write a poem about forgiveness, releasing one thing you’ve needed to let go of for a long time
Color in a coloring book with full acceptance and total presence
Tell someone you love them. Mean it
Sing “you are my sunshine” while looking at yourself in the mirror
Say a prayer for someone else
Donate $5 to a charity you believe in
Give the first person you see a genuine compliment
Go see live music and listen to every note
Volunteer at a food bank
Send a solid ten minutes focused on feeling the unconditional love in your heart
Take a bath with magnesium salts and your favorite essential oils (lavender and jasmine are my faves)
Spend five minutes writing everything that comes to mind, as fast as you can, complete sentences or not and just get it out. Stream of consciousness. When finished, rip and crumple up the paper and throw it in an outdoor can
Go swimming or just dunk yourself in clean water, the ocean, or a river with the intention of washing off anything that isn’t serving your highest good
Look into your eyes in the morning and tell yourself “I love you”. Say it until you believe it
Go through your closet and get rid of anything you haven’t worn in the past year or won’t wear in the future. Donate it to people in need
Read a book that makes you feel uplifted, even if it is a children’s book, just read something in print on paper from start to finish
Practice box breathing for ten minutes. Inhale into your belly for a count of 6, hold for a count 6, exhale for 6 seconds, hold 6 seconds. Repeat
Repeat the mantra “I am blessed. I am grateful.”
Listen to an inspiring podcast
Drink at least 8-10 glasses of water every day
Sit down with a cup of tea and with each sip think of something you’re grateful for
Write a letter to an old friend
Massage your feet for ten minutes
Take a probiotic daily
Get 8 hours of sleep every night. Even if you can’t sleep, just lay quiet and breathe
Turn your phone and laptop off and disconnect from the world so you can tune into your dreams
Send an apology note to someone you feel you have wronged in some way (self apologies count!)
Self pleasure. Do what you will with that
Be grateful for each breath you take
Go for a walk and smell every flower you walk by
Get a piece of rose quartz and as you hold it, focus on feeling unconditional love
Grab a cozy blanket and curl up in a comfy place just to be peaceful for a while
Clean your home from top to bottom
Light a candle in honor of your highest good, sit with it
Wash the sheets on your bed and dry them with something you love the smell of (jasmine oil drops on a washcloth)
Hug a friend for a solid 20+ seconds
Get a massage. If it’s out of your budget, ask a friend for a favor
Practice sun salutations
Plant a tree
Plan your dream vacation. Even if you can’t go on it yet, the act of planning it will open your mind and heart to the possibilities
Make your favorite meal for yourself and a friend
Put fresh flowers in your home
Listen to 432hz healing frequency music daily for 20-30 min (search Youtube for ones you vibe with)
Go see a standup comedy show and let yourself laugh out loud
Celebrate one success you had today. Even if it was simply taking a bath, do something to celebrate and honor this
Sit in a park and listen to the sounds
Open the windows in your home and let fresh air inside
Eat a piece of dark chocolate
Stretch your body while breathing deeply
Look over your calendar and schedule things to look forward to every week
Read inspirational quotes
Send a gift to a friend just because
In the first hour of sunrise, stand with your bare-feet on the ground for 15 minutes and visualize your dreams
Make a weekly meal plan that includes 3 high vibration meals and 2 healing snacks per day
Ask your higher self (your soul) what you need to know today. Listen and take necessary action
Learn how to do something new: knitting, cooking a new dish, sailing, a foreign language, whatever it is… something new, expand your horizons
Forgive something else
Journal about your season of life: experiences, challenges, lessons, blessings, etc from your current vantage point
Take a moment to tap into your emotions. Acknowledge them. Feel them. Release them. Write about this in your journal.
Visualize yourself working out like a professional athlete often
Watch videos of babies laughing and let it inspire you to laugh A LOT
Eat more fruits and veggies every day
Drink water with lemon (and organic raw honey if you need sweetness) every morning
Close your eyes and imagine yourself laying comfortably in a hammock in the shade with a cool breeze and soft waves in the distance. Stay there for as long as you can
Practice qigong exercise for 15 min daily
Think about a mistake you or someone else made in life and write about what you learned and how it helped people
Go to an art museum or gallery and view creation. Then journal about what you felt
Sit in the sun for 15 minutes, closing your eyes and feeling the sun’s energy as you breathe in healing
Write a letter to your future self about all the things you are grateful for, as if everything you’ve ever wanted has happened and how it all made the world a better place
Make a care package with a new toothbrush, toothpaste, a bottle of water, a piece of fresh fruit, athletic socks, baby wipes, and a $5 bill and give it to a homeless person with a note that says, “You are loved.”
Hug a tree like you’d hug a loved one, sending love into the earth
Smile for an entire day
Wake up to watch the sun rise and write a gratitude list as the light shines on you
Send an old friend flowers thanking them for being in your life
Look in the mirror and draw a self portrait with your non-dominant hand, allowing yourself to suck at drawing, but completing it anyway and loving every mark on the page because you did it with loving intention
Walk with a friend and have a deep, vulnerable, meaningful conversation about life
Buy a dozen roses (or your favorite flower) and hand them out to people on the street, wishing them a beautiful day
Listen to “What a Wonderful World” by Louis Armstrong on repeat until you know and feel all the words
Take a purifying shower with the intention of washing energy that doesn’t serve your highest good down into the earth to be transmuted into love
Meditate on the feeling of loving yourself for every experience you’ve had, every lesson you have learned and are yet to learn
Commit to a practice of daily healing, restoring the purity of your heart that you came into this life with